
Custom Authentication Application with .NET MVC


The Custom Authentication Application with .NET MVC stands as a cornerstone project, crafted to offer secure and seamless user authentication functionalities. Within this project, I engineered a robust system encompassing login and registration features, employing Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) as the backend database and Razor Pages for frontend interactions, all orchestrated within the .NET MVC framework.

At its core, this application addresses the critical need for secure user authentication. Leveraging .NET MVC, I meticulously designed and implemented custom authentication mechanisms, ensuring stringent security standards while delivering an intuitive user experience. By integrating Microsoft SQL Server as the backend database, I ensured reliable data storage and retrieval, safeguarding user credentials and sensitive information.

For the frontend, I utilized Razor Pages, a key component of ASP.NET Core, to develop dynamic and responsive user interfaces. Razor Pages facilitated the seamless integration of frontend and backend functionalities, enabling smooth user interactions and efficient data rendering.

Additionally, I employed Entity Framework within the .NET ecosystem, leveraging its capabilities to streamline database interactions and enhance development productivity. Through Entity Framework, I implemented data access layers, ensuring optimized database queries and seamless integration with the application's business logic.

In summary, the Custom Authentication Application with .NET MVC represents a comprehensive solution for user authentication needs, blending advanced technologies such as Microsoft SQL Server, Razor Pages, and Entity Framework within the .NET ecosystem. Through meticulous design and implementation, this project offers a secure, reliable, and user-friendly authentication experience for both developers and end-users.

