


TThe Emloyee Management System built with .NET Web API is a comprehensive solution designed to facilitate the management of Emloyee records with seamless CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality. Leveraging Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) as the backend database, Entity Framework for data access, and Swagger for API documentation, this project offers a robust and scalable platform for handling Emloyee data..

At its core, the system provides a RESTful API built using .NET Web API, enabling clients to perform CRUD operations on Emloyee records. The API endpoints adhere to industry best practices and follow the principles of REST architecture, ensuring standardized and efficient communication between clients and the server.

The backend data storage and retrieval are handled by Microsoft SQL Server, a reliable and scalable relational database management system. Entity Framework serves as the ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) tool, abstracting database operations and providing a simplified interface for interacting with the database. This allows for seamless integration of business logic and data access layers, enhancing development productivity and maintainability.

Additionally, Swagger documentation is integrated into the project to automatically generate comprehensive API documentation. Swagger UI provides an interactive interface for exploring and testing API endpoints, enabling developers to understand the API functionality and usage without the need for manual documentation efforts.

The system encompasses CRUD functionality for managing Emloyee records, including creating new Emloyee, retrieving Emloyee details, updating existing records, and deleting obsolete entries. With clear API documentation provided by Swagger, developers can easily integrate the API into their applications and leverage its capabilities for Emloyee data management.

